Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A movie star's relation to the mint.

I was half watching a talk show, waiting for Natalie Portman to appear, when Denzel Washington comes on to talk about his recently released movie. My daughter, making conversation as she likes to do, asks me who that is. That's Denzel Washington, I tell her.

We do a little back and forth confirming that she understands this man's name is, indeed, Denzel Washington, and she leaves.

She returns a minute later with a quarter in her hand, and she holds it up, "heads" side facing me. "Is this is Washington?" I'm stunned (and proud) that she's made the connection. That's George Washington, I tell her.

She doesn't quite understand that these two men with the same name are not the same man. I try to explain by pointing out that she and her brother both have the same last name. I'm not sure she got it, but I'm still tickled that she knows who's on a quarter.

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